Talent development and sports innovation platform

Sports accommodation SportQube

Recognizable, inviting and powerful. SportQube shows itself as a a sporty and societal addition. It did not only have to become a state-of-the-art sports accommodation, where top sports and recreational sports can be optimally practiced, but also has to be a natural place of knowledge, research and innovation. The design of the building has succeeded in this. The transparent design and the central heart play an important role. The large windows allow visitors inside and passers-by to see the athletes busy in the halls and vice versa.

Photography: Ben Vulkers

Sports accommodation & platform for talent development and sports innovation

Municipality of Nijmegen


Expressieve exterieur van Topsportaccomodatie SportQube in Nijmegen met glazen plint en goudkleurige gevel met daarop SportQube geschreven

SportQube is a high-quality and energy-neutral top sports accommodation that brings together talents from different sports. With the aim of getting further in sport and getting better at developing talent. In addition to various sports providers, there are organizations of education, science, medical care and social counseling. To achieve this goal, the top sports accommodation has a striking open structure. By having a view of each other and the different sports everywhere, new connections and innovative ideas are created. The different disciplines interact with each other.

In SportQube, athletes, trainers and students have all the knowledge and advice in various fields within reach. The great added value of the architecture of this building, however, is that people are encouraged to look beyond the boundaries of their own familiar sports practice. This creates development and innovation.
Board member SportQube Frans Mooren


The various halls are accessed from the central heart (and access to the building). There is a view of all sports that can be practiced. The heart also functions as a meeting place for users and visitors. It is open, spacious and light with a loft. Here the athletes, their parents and trainers meet and get into easy conversation. Natural materials give the interior a warm and homely atmosphere. The compactness, transparency and short running lines make the building clear. A pleasant experience with optimal visual comfort for athletes and visitors. A home for athletes where they can grow to the highest podium.

Recognizable acces gate

Due to its location on one of the western access roads, SportQube means much more to the city than just an innovative talent development center. SportQube is a new icon for Nijmegen as a recognizable (sporty) gateway. The smart positioning of all large building elements enhances the image-defining character. The main shape is clear. Each cube seeks connection with the immediate environment, such as the adjacent terraced houses or apartment buildings. The stepped construction of the crowd is reminiscent of the steps of a stage. The expressive building has a glass plinth and is located on a slope covered with grass. Above that the gold volumes "float". The accommodation reflects the highest attainable for the athlete: they aim for the highest step on the podium and thus for gold.

The large windows provide a wide view of all sports activities. That is inspiring. There is activity all around you. The building breathes sport.
Manager SportQube Wim Zegers

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